Aubrey VanSant
Jun 20, 2024
Edited By: Aubrey VanSant
Over the course of two weeks I soloed in Euro.
Felt a little shell shocked having never ventured outside of the United States (I'm young but still) so I took some matters into my own hands. Within 15 minutes I planned to go to a concert with my friend who lives in Spain and bought the ticket having absolutely nothing planned out.
I'll spare all the humorous details to prevent from serious blue light exposure and excess reading.
I flew to Frankfurt, Germany direct from Atlanta International on Delta, I recommend upgrading your seat from coach so you can snooze. Learned that the hard way. Totally worth the splurge.
Spent three days in Frankfurt outside of the city. Everyone was very welcoming, felt warm and fuzzy there. More small town energy. Loved it.
Took a train to Frankfurt city where I stayed in a hotel so I could catch a train in the afternoon to get to Berlin for check-in.
This where my solo trip began.
I stayed in Berlin for a full day and some change. Took a train into the city, walked around and got some dinner.
*Translation: "Many animals live here, please do not touch! Located in Berlin"

Train that I took to and fro in Berlin. To scale.
Had to head back before the strike so I could catch the train back to my hotel. Pro tip, strikes are mega common in Germany I discovered, keep an eye on that. It effects flights too (also learned the hard way). Got some scrumptious breakfast/lunch at a local establishment the following morning. They were so sweet but didn't speak much English so I improvised with my minimal German knowledge. Pretty cool. I assimilated!

After a pivot due to a missed flight that was 100% my fault, I regrouped and booked another flight to Dublin, Ireland. Man, what a culture change. 360 from Berlin, in an incredibly energizing way. From plane to taxi, bed and breakfast to pub everyone was so friendly. They also spoke English which was slightly convenient.

Got a bite-sized speed round tour from an relative in Dublin, which was pretty authentic. Had a tea and croissant for breakfast that morning ~assimilating~ I was starved though. American portions man. After the lil tour I took a bus from Dublin to Limerick, this was my favorite part of the Ireland leg.
After arriving I met up with a friend who lives in Limerick and got the full-fledged Irish experience. We're talking Irish pub with Guiness, Irish club with good gab and top shelf black pudding with an extravagant breakfast set up. All in an afternoon + morning. Core memory. They also drive on the left side of the road there so watch your step! Straight tens across the board for Limerick. Ready for round two surely.
After that I caught a bus from Limerick to Cork, solid bus ride but man those buses are luxury. Don't think education system school bus. Think field trip bus. Rockstar public transport all around.

Cork was so charming. Only had the time for Cork city though, had to reel it in a little bit so I could maintain enough energy and brainpower for the rest of my trip. Definitely in the market to go to County Cork next time, big fan of a pretty green country side. Throw some wild sheep in there and it's so over.
Feel like I'm getting a bit into the weeds here. I can fast forward my thoughts from now on.
Post croissant and chai tea with a good book, I head over to Dublin on the coach (yup back to Dub, awesome planning) to sleep before my flight to Spain in the early AM. Not much to report there.
Landed in Spain! Met up with gal pal Izzy + her older sister and stayed at her apartment for a few nights. Dream state. Food was immaculate. Weather was pristine. Got in the best nap of my life here. You've heard alcohol is cheaper over there and man they weren't lying. Over 21 so we indulged. Definitely some of the best food to ever meet my tastebuds. Whole lot of "Yummmmmmmms." Much needed bonding took place, ready for return.
At the crack of dawn returned back to Germany where I this time explored the South. Aside from landing in Munich and flying out of Frankfurt back to the US I was pretty out in small town central, but more so small city than country. Nice little recharge before my flight, much needed decompression and slow life flow.
Then, I flew out of Frankfurt back into ATL. The homeland. Was happy to be there but happy to be back.

Flight entertainment of choice, obviously